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L'agenda des communautés

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calendarEvent Information and Knowledge for All: Towards an Inclusive Innovation

The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities 13th Edition

The central theme of the 13th Edition of the World Intellectual Capital (IC) Conference is “Information and Knowledge for All: Towards An Inclusive Innovation”. The topic of this year is largely justified by the increasing gap in revenues distribution at the global level. Hence among others the development of the concept of “inclusive Innovation”, generally defined as the innovation supplied by a group of people- generally low-income- excluded from it (OECD 2013, Kaplinsky, 2011, Foster, Heeks, 2013).

This year, following the success of IC8 (South Korea), IC9 (the Mediterranean), IC10 (Brazil), IC11 (China), Africa (IC12), we focus this year on a leading country in intangibles /Intellectual capital economics and management : Japan.

Inscription / Registration: http://rech.jm.u-psud.fr/colloque/colloque.php?evt=87

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